Avenatti claims that he represents three other women who were paid cash


Attorney Michael Avenatti claimed late Thursday that he represented three other women who claim to have been paid in cash either by Trump President John Dean of Donald John TrumpWatergate: Potential of Cohen returning not "good" for Trump Giuliani attack Cohen on Trump Tower report: He is a "pathological liar" The US military aircraft leaves North Korea with remains of soldiers of the former defense lawyer Korean War Michael Cohen, on behalf of Trump, or by American Media Publishing House, Inc.

Avenatti, who represents adult film star Stormy Daniels in his lawsuit against Trump and Cohen, has made the announcement at a roundtable in West Hollywood.

"There are three other clients who have not been disclosed who were paid for money before the 2016 elections, whether it be Michael Cohen on behalf of the President, an entity that Michael Cohen trained, or AMI, "said Avenatti. "The last time I checked, they did not just hand checks to anyone, whether they had a relationship or not," he added.

He said that one of the women claimed to be pregnant by the time she was paid, according to ABC7.

In a tweet later Thursday, Avenatti called on Trump and Cohen to reveal more information about the situation.

women. All money paid by various means means, "he tweeted." It's time for Michael Cohen and Donald Trump to become 100% clean with the American people. All documents, all tapes, NOW. No more lies or lips. "

Daniels sues Trump and Cohen for defamation, and annul a nondisclosure agreement on his alleged 2006 affair with Trump.Cohen settled a payment of $ 130,000 to Daniels' days before the 2016 elections, which she says was to keep her quiet about the alleged affair

Cohen also secretly recorded Trump discussing a payment to former playmate Karen McDougal, an affair with Trump.

It was reported earlier this year that AMI, the publisher of the National Enquirer, bought the rights to McDougal's history but never ran the piece. Trump is a long time friend of the head of the AMI David Pecker.

Trump denied knowing the payments in advance and denied that the business had taken place.

-Update 7:31 am

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