Bank employee steals $ 730,000 from his computer


Santiago de Chile, Chile

An employee of the Bank of Chile, one of the country's leading financial institutions, stole from the entity some 475 million pesos ( $ 730,000) in hours I work from your computer.

As reported on Wednesday a report of Bío-Bío radio, Elías Lillo Sandoval a 35-year-old computer technician, "operations specialist", took funds from the bank. last year, he transferred to an account of his father after getting the respective keys.

The bank, controlled by the group Luksic one of the most creditworthy in the country, sued Lillo Sandoval for the The crime of fraud

The last operation, according to the report, was made a few days before a computer attack perpetrated by international pirates against the same bank, which lost about ten million dollars.

The crime is co Lillo Sandival between May 2017 and May this year, without anyone noticing; the funds came from a foreign exchange account managed by Banco de Chile for its foreign transactions.

In an internal investigation, the bank's auditors discovered 243 transactions similar to those of the employee since the year 2008, so they surmise that the amount stolen could be much higher, up to the end of the year. at about 2500 million pesos (about $ 3.8 million, which is still under study.)

Lillo Sandoval stopped attending his work at the end of last May and as it was established, always acted alone, without anyone noticing.

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