Bank of China seeks to open in Peru | AmericaEconomy


The third largest financial institution in the world, Bank of China, has passed the first stage of its goal of opening a bank in Peru.

According to The Banker, submitted to the Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and AFP (SBS)

Bank of China Limited and Bank of China Group Investment Limited, acting as shareholders, seek to establish a bank of capital around the world. a bank named Bank of China (Peru)

The directors of the bank would be Xiao Lijun, Bian Jidong, Luo Ying, Song Shouwen and Guillermo Palomino.

The Bank of China already has a representative office, whose general management occupies Xiao Lijun. In our country, ICBC is active in China

For this reason, the presence of another Chinese bank in Peru was previously unachievable, since the law prevented the same majority shareholder (in this case, the Chinese government). Chinese state) to simultaneously operate more than One bank in the local market.

However, this obstacle was saved because in February 2017, the government issued a regulation allowing foreign banks of the first category to operate at the same time in the country, despite a common majority partner.

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