Barack Obama and Joe Biden surprise customers by entering a bakery | United States | video | World


Barack Obama and Joy Biden, former presidents of the United States; They surprised the customers of Dog Tag Bakery in Washington with their spontaneous visit.

Obama and Biden order a coffee and enjoy the traditional Bakery Dog Tag Bakery menu of the United States capital.

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"To say we were surprised is little," said Lolly Rivas, who works at the bakery Dog Tag Bakery .

The media cataloged the good relationship between Obama and Biden as "bromance" or "fraternal romance", who were good companions during their stay at the White House .

Barack Obama was the first African-American president to change the history of the United States; a mandate that lasted 8 years

Two weeks ago, Obama attended Johannesburg to participate in the centennial celebration of the birth of Nelson Mandela, where he criticized his predecessor Donald Trump,

"Given the uncertain and strange times in which we live, the news brings a multitude of disturbing headlines every day," Obama said at the beginning of his speech to more than 10,000 people

Obamana also criticizes "authoritarian" politicians who resort to "the politics of fear" and "lie only".

Mandela and Obama met once, in 2005 in Washington, but they admired each other.

Mandela became "overjoyed" when they elected President Obama in 2008 "because he saw it as a key moment in the history of the states United States, "said Mandela Foundation President Hatang Seal.

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