Barcelona and Everton with the principle of agreement of Lucas Digne, according to Mundo Deportivo | Sports | International Football


The Barcelona maintains its policy of "cleaning" its staff and therefore accepts the figure of 20 million euros that the Everton of England has offered through the defense French, Lucas Digne ] as published this Saturday Mundo Deportivo de España.

There is no space in the Ernesto Valverde team. He is aware of this Lucas Digne and does not look anxious to reach the spectacular Premier League and a club of great popular roots as it is Everton .

Mundo Deportivo published this Saturday Barcelona and the Liverpool City Club reached a total agreement, but it was not translated into paper. Why do not they? Because Everton wants to include Colombian defender Yerry Mina in the operation.

However, Blaugrana's club wants to take the issue apart, especially when Yerry Mina handles different options (one speaks of an interest from Manchester United and Liverpool himself).

Still guided by the publication of Mundo Deportivo, Digne would have already informed his teammates of Barcelona that he was leaving and could not be part of the team who plays against Tottenham on Saturday. by the International Champions Cup (22:05).

If this signature is completed, Barcelona would have lost 3 players: Deulofeu to Watford for 13 million euros, Paulinho to Guangzhou for 50 million euros and now worthy, for 20 million. 83 million euros in 3 sales, not bad for a club that is more used to spend in transfers.

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