BBVA Continental enters the era of 100% digital payments | Economy


The BBVA Continental makes the first step in the next two months, payments with their cards migrate from the physical world to the digital world.

The financial institution announces that it has already launched its new card platform which, online, qualifies the credit situation to customers, to make the respective checks of data through the connection with various suppliers and to issue.

Juan Fernando Maldonado, asset manager of the entity, explained that the system updates the data with the customer's information and allows him to choose the brand of credit card that he wishes among the different products and loyalty programs that he offers. It also allows you to choose the form in which the bank statement and branch of the bank in which you wish to receive the card will be sent.

In addition, it gives the customer the opportunity to choose the amount of credit line that he wishes for his card and the date of payment. The contract, the summary sheet and the personal data protection sheet are automatically sent to the customer's e-mail, so that later, in the same system, they affix their fingerprint as a signature. With this process lasting only a few minutes, the card is issued in virtual form.

"All qualification and issuance of cards will be digital, we are talking about the fact that the process will not be digital, but numerically because there will be no human intervention," says Maldonado .


The executive maintains that, in a second step, the bank will send a password to the customer so that, by the mobile bank, he can download his card and make purchases using only the phone. At this point, the customer will no longer have to pick up his plastic in an agency, but to download it and use it with the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology of his smartphone, via contactless payments.

"The hardware of NFC technology is already ready in the phones, the sticker for Android will no longer be needed, we will generate the card virtually with a user code and password, so that the active customer in The BBVA Wallet can use it, the company will go into a world without cards, we talk about the deployment of the next two months, "says Maldonado.

The new card platform of the bank came into effect on July 8, the virtual card on July 9 and payments with NFC technology will begin from the month of August. Maldonado says that debit cards can also be uploaded to the mobile bank for use with NFC technology.

"This is the big transformation that will come in the Peruvian industry. With the incorporation of this type of technology, we will get greater use of cards by customers. The bank can reach segments that it does not have. The goal is to beat the money and we want to do it effectively, "he says.

"Today, we have a business of credit and debit cards concentrated in a very small ecosystem. For the sake of Peru, we have to develop that, "concludes Maldonado

In Peru, there are about 30 million credit and debit cards of banks, financial institutions and municipal savings banks. , which average $ 30 billion. per month, according to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), of which only 16% is intended for payments and the difference corresponds to cash withdrawals.

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