BCRP: The impact of the trade war would be transitory


The Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), during the presentation of the July Monetary Program, estimated that the impact of a possible trade war between the United States and China would have a negative impact. would have no profound impact on the Peruvian economy.

"It is very premature to say what will happen to export a year from now, not only us, but other analysts in the international market believe that this impact will be Therefore, it would be alarming to say how much we expect to lose in exports, "said Jorge Estrella, director of economic studies of the BCRP.

Regarding the decline in the price of copper, Estrella says that they are expecting the price of copper, which has decreased by 15% so far this year, reversed in the coming months. "We consider that it is a question of an unfounded adjustment. We expect prices to recover and the impact would be much less, "he said.

Estrella said that in May the growth of the sector was 10.5% in the manufacturing industry, 1.9% in the mining industry, 27% in fishing and 15% in agriculture. In addition, he noted that there is growing public and private investment that is boosting the economy.

"All this leads to (economic) growth in May should be about 6% .With this, we would have a growth of 4.5% from January to May," he said.

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