Beijing accuses Washington of "destroying Sino-US trade"


China on Wednesday accused the United States of wanting to "destroy" trade between the two countries after Washington again threatened to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese exports of $ 200 billion "Mutual increases in large-scale tariffs between China and the United States will inevitably lead to the destruction of Sino-US trade," said Li Chenggang, China's Vice Minister of Commerce.

US policy "currently interferes with the process of economic globalization" and "harms the global economic order," added Li.

On Friday, the United States imposed 25% of customs duties on Chinese ferries. worth $ 34 billion which immediately provoked retaliation from Beijing, with proportional taxes on hundreds of imported American products.

He announced Tuesday that he was beginning the process to impose 10% customs duties on Chinese exports worth $ 200 billion in September .

Analysts warn that a trade war between the two world economic powers could have a negative impact on the global economy. He insisted: "Companies in both countries will suffer losses, there will be no winner in a trade war, cooperation is the only correct choice between China and the United States."



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