Billionaire Flavio Rocha abandons the Brazilian presidential campaign | Trade | World | Latin America


The billionaire Flavio Rocha on Friday abandoned his attempt to become president of Brazil at a time when rival center-right conglomerates are seeking to attract their Brazilian Republican Party (PRB) The race for the presidency of the largest economy in Latin America remains the most fragmented in decades, with dozens of parties competing to form alliances to finally decide who will be nominated as a candidate in the conventions

Rocha , who left the direction of garment manufacturer Guararapes Confeccoes SA and retail unit Lojas Riachuelo in the campaign, got only 1% of the intention to vote in a survey. opinion in June

1% of Rocha was matched by the former Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles, the candidate of Movimi ruling Brazilian Democratic Party (MDB), and was below the 39 former governor of Sao Paulo Geraldo Alckmin, flag bearer of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), with 4-6 percent.

Both parties stated that they would look to the Rocha PRB, which has 21 deputies and two senators. After the withdrawal of Rocha's career, the PRB called on the moderate parties to join forces.

"It is clear that the country can not flirt with the extremes and, therefore, more than ever during the whole process.It is essential that the forces of the center unite in a single project", said the PRB in a statement

The far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro led the opinion poll in June with 17% of preferences. 19659008] However, the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 72, leads all the polls three months before the presidential elections in Brazil, despite his arrest and that he is practically invalid because the law eliminates the need for second-class voters to run for elected office

Source: Reuters / EFE

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