Boards boost BBVA


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From January to June, the profit of the BBVA Bancomer Financial Group recorded an increase of 12.4% compared to the same period of 2017, with a cumulative balance of 26 thousand 73 million pesos.

In its earnings report, the main financial group operating in Mexico pointed out that its total funding portfolio amounted to one billion 127 billion pesos, with annual growth of 10%.

"This evolution of the portfolio allowed us to consolidate our leading position, with According to the public information of the National Commission of Banks and Securities (CNBV) at the end of May, the share of the portfolio total is 22.9%, "said BBVA Bancomer.

In his report, the company detailed his commercial portfolio he had an annual growth of 12.5%, to reach a balance of 660 thousand 765 billion pesos.

Thus, credits for activity, which include enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, promoters and SMEs, showed the greatest dynamis with an annual increase of 17.4% [19659002Foritsparttheconsumerportfolioandthecreditcardasawholeshowedanannualgrowthof51%

Meanwhile, consumer credit, which includes payroll loans, personal and automobile, is the one who drives this wallet , with a balance of 6.9% higher than that recorded the previous year.

The credit card closed the first six months of 2018 with a balance of 103 thousand 555 thousand million pesos, an annual growth of 2.5%

In turn, the financing of the housing s 39 rose to 200 thousand 916 billion pesos at the end of June 2018, with an increase of 6.6% over the

The company said that among the main benefits achieved during the period, the increase in commissions by 11.8% in annualized figures, in June 2018, amounts to 13 thousand 420 million pesos.

"In detail, those who show greater dynamism are the credit and debit card commissions, because of a greater volume of customer transactions with these products, as well as commissions from management and the larger volume of investment funds, "explains BBVA Bancomer.The portfolio overdue.The group noted that the outstanding loan portfolio recorded a balance of 21 thousand 791 million pesos, a annual decrease of 6.4%.

"The positive trend of housing loans stands out, which decreases very significantly 21.9% over the last 12 months. The commercial portfolio, with an increase of 8.5%, while consumer loans show an annual decrease of 4.6%. "

The Mexican subsidiary of the Spanish firm noted that at the end of the semester, 19.5 million customers" BBVA Bancomer will continue to develop products and services tailored to the needs of each customer and segment, supporting the good execution of the economy and maintaining the concession. responsible for credit to governments, businesses and people, "said the financial group. [ad_2]
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