Bogotá Energía de Empresa: Today & # 39; hui, the sale of shares of the company & # 39; energy Bogota expires | Bogotá


Initially it was considering the sale 20% of the District's participation in Grupo Energía Bogotá but the process has been advanced by a percentage of & # 39; equity 16.1% or 1.486 million shares. As noted, until & # 39; now the orders & # 39; purchase are received, with a minimum course of 2,018 pesos per share

What comes in the next few days, is the revision of proposals to advance in the & # 39; case companies that submitted these requests & # 39; purchase and secure the discounted price, the result and the final value of shares granted market are notified.

He believes that it is the pension funds will retain the majority of these shares, a company that could reach 3 billion pesos for social projects and & # 39; infrastructure.

In 2016, the Board approved the sale of district actions that & # 39; after the sale remain with about 60 percent of the shares of Grupo Energía Bogotá. The energy group is present in Colombia, Peru, Guatemala and Brazil. In the land it develops 14 power transmission projects contemplating 1700 kilometers networks. –

L & # 39; alderman Polo Democrático Alternativo, the plenary of the Council Bogotá held a debate on the political control of the & # 39; administration & # 39; Enrique Peñalosa on & # 39; alienation of 20% shares in the company & # 39; energy of Bogota [19659010] (function (d, s, id) {
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