Bolivia and Paraguay agree to deepen bilateral cooperation | BOLIVIA


President Evo Morales and his elected counterpart of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, held a meeting yesterday at the Government Palace. The two leaders agreed to deepen the work for the integration of nations.

The appointment, which lasted more than an hour, served for the president of the neighboring nation invited the head of state (Evo Morales) to his ceremony "We have a common history, a destiny to build together, a huge potential for the economy that can be integrated At the beginning of this new stage for us, in which we want to deepen our bonds of friendship, "said the president-elect.

In turn, Morales confirmed his presence at the oath and gave Abdo the Book of the Sea, his autobiography and other presents, stressing that we must leave behind the past and describe the road integration.

"Physical integration, we talked about the waterway, I asked to advise us on how to take the road to the Paraguay – Paraná River, they have a lot of experience in Paraguay. There is also the bioceanic train, the paved roads, like the so-called diagonal Jaime Mendoza, "said Evo.

Unasur, in crisis

The Union of South American Nations (Unasur) is in crisis. yesterday President Morales, who holds the rotating presidency of the bloc, of which six countries suspended their participation last April.

"I am really sorry to tell you that Unasur is in crisis," he said after meeting with the president-elect

Bolivia has set the goal of Unlock his functioning of the union during his tenure.

Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Paraguay decided last April to suspend their participation in Unasur. a new secretary general, replacing the Colombian Ernesto Samper, who ceased his duties in January 2017.

The Bolivian president, in his statement, assured that his future Paraguayan colleague coincided "To strengthen" Unasur, without giving more details .

"Personally I want the integration of some continents like Europe, such as Africa, Asia, and we must have the ability to move forward in these systems of integration ".

Unasur, based in Quito and created under the impetus of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, is composed of 14 nations, six of which, the largest economies in the region, have suspended their participation.

Abdo Benítez urged the Bolivian leader to take the necessary steps to complete his country's full incorporation into Mercosur. "I pledged to make the appropriate arrangements and to ensure that Bolivia will soon become a full member of Mercosur and thus enhance the potential we have with this alliance," said Benítez . ]

International Agenda
The Paraguayan President-elect began a few weeks ago an international agenda that has already led to Brazil, Argentina and Russia, where he met the leaders of those countries.

"We will be August 15, from then on a working committee will be formed at the head of foreign ministers and in this way a lot of subjects," noted Evo.

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