Brazil: Petrobras is saved from a $ 1 million fine by the Supreme Court | corruption | World


In Brazil a Federal Supreme Court Judge (TSF) suspended the application of a multi-million dollar fine to the Petrobras company, under the auspices of the […] a salary adjustment request.

The Higher Labor Court of Brazil (TSF) rendered a decision that could have had "a financial impact of $ 4,500, dozens of class actions and thousands of cases". individual actions in progress, "said the magistrate. STF José Antonio Dias Toffoli

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Toffoli made the decision considering "the risk of irreparable damage arising from the immediate execution of this decision (…), which may have a particular impact on the finances (of Petrobras), with undeniable effects on the country's economy "

The plaintiffs are seeking a new form of calculation to pay for overtime, night shifts and other special conditions.

Toffoli, service judge for the July break of the STF, estimated that the case was to be settled by the Supreme Court after the judicial fairs.

Petrobras is still recovering from the corruption scandal that broke out in 2014.

Former President Petrobras, Pedro Parente, appointed by the executive in 2016, promoted a reduction and restructuring of debt, a program of divestment and changed the price policy, the measures taken by the market.

But ap After a truckers strike at the end of May for diesel prices, Parente resigned and was replaced by Ivan Monteiro, who until then held the position of chief financial officer of the company.

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