Brazilian Neymar's tough criticism: We created a monster


After his participation in the 2018 Russia World Cup with the Brazilian national team, critics soon appeared to Neymar, however, the strongest he's received up to # 39, here was the one The Brazilian newspaper Lance

Lance the most important sports newspaper of Brazil, dedicated to the PSG attacker a complete and acid editorial editorial signed by his editor Leandro Pereira, who describes the player as "the worst character created by" We created a monster, Rene Today, in any corner of the world, a Brazilian is associated with the fall of Neymar, the worst figure created by Brazilian football these last years. 20 years, "says part of the article

However, there would be nothing left. He also criticized the fact that he left Barcelona to go to PSG. "Neymar had the air of exploding and would be the natural successor of Messi in the Barcelona ." However, since the middle of last year, the spoiled child wanted to have a team just for him and left Among the worst behaviors, what a waste! "

HERE you can read the entire article that Lance dedicated to him

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