Business confidence plummets in June and halts recovery in April


Business confidence indexes dropped in June after the rally started in April after the resignation of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and the arrival of Martín Vizcarra, revealed the latest survey on macroeconomic expectations. According to the survey, the indices of expectations on the economy's performance at three and twelve months decreased respectively by 1.9 and 1.6 point .

Meanwhile, employers' expectations of their sector decreased from 2.6 points (to three months) and 2.8 points (at 12 months).

] Construction in the Pessimistic Stretch

The BCR Report Details that Entrepreneurs in the Manufacturing and Trading Sector Reduced Their Expectations on the Performance of the Economy at three months by 2 and 4 points less ] respectively; while those of construction went to the pessimistic limit to stand at 43 points, 7 less than in May .

However, companies in the sector mines and hydrocarbons increased their expectations on the performance of the economy by 1 point

Situation of their company

On the other hand , the anticipation indices of the situation of companies at three and 12 months ] also fell in 2.8 and 1.7 points respectively. Similarly, the product demand expectation indices at three and 12 months in 1.6 and 1.5 points lower respectively

The index that remained virtually unchanged was that of hiring staff for three months .

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