Businessman accused of attacking Angie Jibaja defends herself and assures that she wanted to extort money from her [VIDEO]


July 23, 2018 6:30 pm.

The businessman, Miguel Angel Aquije Chávez accused by Angie Jibaja of having attacked, gives his opinion and gives his version of the facts. As he explained, he never hit the model and even showed videos in "Válgame Dios". to prove his innocence.

But that was not all, the businessman said that he would take legal action against Angie Jibaja's complaint and left to hear that the model wanted to extort money.

Afterward, the businessman said that the bruising he Angie Jibaja was because he fell to the bar of the nightclub where they were.

Miguel Angel Aquije Chávez said that he would show videos of what happened, material that was presented by Rodrigo González, however, the clips do not show any kind of aggression. Despite this, Angie Jibaja assured that these videos are not of the moment in which the business leader attacked him.

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