BVL finishes in positive territory thanks to strong performances by Volcan and Southern Copper | Economy


The Lima Stock Exchange (BVL) rose on Tuesday during a day during which he highlighted the progress of the polymetallic mining company's work Volcano and the copper producer South Copper, despite the decline in international metal prices.

L & # 39; s index SP / BVL Peru Selectivo, composed of the main shares of the Lima square, recorded an increase of 0.41% to 497.75 points. However, so far this year, the indicator shows a decrease of 3.23%.

On the other hand, the index SP / BVL Peru General earned 0.13% to 18,999.05 points. From January to today, the indicator has decreased by 4.88%

During the day, a negotiated amount of over $ 25 million was reported in 321 trades.

In the mining sector, the role of the Volcan zinc producer increased by 2.94% to S / 0.70, while that of Southern Copper rose by 3.12% to 33.1 USD despite the fall of metal prices due to concerns of weaker demand for China against possible additional rates from United States.

On the other hand, the gold shares Buenaventura They fell 3.55%, in line with gold prices, to settle at 13.6 USD, which corresponds to their lowest price for a month and a half.

In the financial sector, equities have had mixed results. The role of Credicorp 0.14% to 221.5 USD, while the title of Intergroup gained 1.17% to 39.81 USD.

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