C & rsquo; is the war: Michelle Soifer suffers extortion after an assault on Kevin Blow | Shows


Michelle Soifer surprised her thousands of followers by reporting that Kevin Blow was the victim of an assault and that, following the fight, she was very hurt.

But that was not all. The member of & # 39; Esto es Guerra & # 39; said that his partner had stolen his mobile phone and that thieves were coming to extort him for the contents of his computer.

YOU CAN SEE Michelle Soifer: Kevin Blow was the victim of a broken-headed assault | VIDEO

"Kevin (Blow) and I are going through a very complicated time, I thank people who wrote me and asked me how we were going, but they stole a lot of things from him and I Attacked physically, they opened their heads and had five points, "said Michelle Soifer

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" The night they put us attacked, we found ourselves in a state of emergency to take care of him and the next day we were calmer because we thought the situation He was there, but no, these people know who we are and who belongs to the phone that was stolen and we suffered extortion and threats, "said the member of" Esto es Guerra ".

Michelle Soifer has been very touched by the situation and hopes that the authorities will find the thieves.

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