Canada investigates maritime patrols of the US Border Patrol


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The Government of Canada is investigating reports that US Border Patrol officers intercepted Canadian fishing vessels in search of undocumented immigrants in disputed waters in the United States. off the coast of Maine.

Laurence Cook, of the Grand Manan Fishermen's Association, said in a personal message on Facebook that, in a ship on June 24, the gray area of ​​Machias Seal Island had been reported to the end of June.

Fishermen's associations confirmed on Facebook that "some Grand Manan fishermen were approached" by border police officers in June.

The Canadian news media CBC News reported that there have been at least two such stops, and up to 10 in recent weeks. Amy Mills, spokeswoman for Global Affairs Canada, the nation's diplomatic and consular agency, told NBC News by email that she was studying the issue.

"Canada continues to investigate these incidents that occurred in Canadian waters, US agencies involved in the subject," she said. "Canada's Sovereignty on the Island Machias Seal and the surrounding waters have been in existence for a long time and are based on solid foundations in international law, and we will continue to take practical steps with the United States to make the region a good place "

A spokesman for the United States. US Customs and Border Protection, which oversees the Border Patrol, confirmed these meetings but said they were used to it and suggested that the officers not board the boats. "19659004]" US Border Patrol carried out Regular patrols [operations] to enforce the laws on immigration and other federal law offenses that she might meet in the performance of her duties, she said by email. Zone without consent or probable cause and only conduct interviews as a ship parallel to it, tilt to the stern. "

She referred other matters to the US Department of State, which did not have an immediate response.

According to the Pew Research Center in 2014, $ 11.1 million Unlicensed immigrants came from Canada.

Marine vessel inspections are among the most strained relations between the United States and Canada for decades, and aluminum, announced in May, has made the subject of tariffs in kind for US products worth billions of dollars.

The trade dispute really began after Trump tweeted that Canadian Prime Ministers Justin Trudeau was "sweet and sweet" and he was dishonest about Canada's Trade Barriers at the Group of Seven Summit last month in Charlevoix, Quebec

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