Cardi B: Offset is released after arrest for possession of drugs and weapons | Trade | TV | Hollywood


Offset the husband of Cardi B sensation of urban music in the United States, is released after spending a day in jail for possession of drugs and weapons, in addition to make a lane change illegally. According to TMZ, the couple Cardi B was driving outside of Atlanta, Georgia, when the police arrested him for having changed way in an unauthorized way. It was then that the officers searched the car and found 3 guns, drugs and a lot of money.

According to the site, neither Cardi B nor his newborn daughter were in the car at the time of the accident. Arrest Offset spent Friday night in jail and after paying $ 17,000 bail, he was released.

By Instagram Cardi B revealed that Offset was with her, both appear in a video with a text that says "at home" (Home).

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<p class= In the same way, Cardi B clarified that his The couple is not under surveillance, as some international media have indicated.

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