Carlos Rengifo wins the Altazor Novel Prize – Diario Expreso


From where comes the idea of ​​writing a novel about Borges?

The seed of all this was my curiosity to know the lives of writers apart from their literary works. What is behind the man who writes? As for Borges, who is a rational, meticulous and high-level author, I have found it interesting to explore his unique relationship with his sister Norah and with his mother, who even in adulthood always asked for advice and permission to do everything. thing. Apart from the unhappy relationships he had with other women who had removed their hidden emotions.

Borges would have lived inside a library, that his world was books and that day after day he did not care. A similar life, sedentary and readings, and not experiential adventures, she seduced you?

Precisely this is what caught my attention, that I lived outside of reality, that I saw life go from the window of his home and just fill your time with the magic that literature produces through books. He himself said that even in the lonely hours of a prisoner inside his cell, where apparently nothing happens, many things can happen. And the result, for him, was his magnificent work. But I did not want to expand on his work, but on the person who was having trouble adapting to the common existence, where codes go beyond words and imagination.

In your novel, you also talk about Kafka, a Becket, Joyce 's daughter, who are characters intertwined with the protagonist and who in some way have problems of interrelationships.

I did not want to leave Borges alone and I decided that it was accompanied by his readings, from the writers that I admired and tried a parallel showing the interiorities of those who create a work with disagreements in everyday life. Hence my allusion in the title of the mirrors, which, in addition to Borges' fear for these, reproduces the similarities that some authors may have.

Unlike your other books, this novel is written with a sectarian language Did the narrator of Dirty Realism say things in a straightforward and crude way?

My literary career, which already covers a little over twenty years, has two stages: that of the storyteller, where I write directly and without anesthesia, the novelist With my novel "The Yellow House" I give a tour to the treatment of language to make it more poetic and chiselled, then comes "The garden of the girl", which led me to internment in the colonialism of Lima, and now it is, in which I pays homage to Borges

THE FACT: The language of mirrors "will be presented on Monday, July 30 at 5 pm, in the Auditorium José María Arguedas of FIL Lima.

By: Harold Alva

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