Carlos' Tomato & # 39; Barraza: "There were almost three infidelities," said ex-wife Vanessa López after her separation from "Tomato's" Barraza | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


In the last two years, Vanessa López and Carlos 'Tomato' Barraza played the leading role in breaks and reconciliations in their marriage. However, recently the union began to become unsustainable and decided to separate.

According to Vanessa López, the dissolution of his affair with the presenter and singer was due to the mistrust he felt towards him because of his consecutive infidelities.

"It was tried (except the relationship), but it was not possible, it was impossible.The relationship was worn out and I did not trust him anymore, there were almost three infidelities in less than two years of marriage " he expressed to Trome

The business woman and model explained that there was a moment both tried to save their union. "But (he) just put in a month or two and then there were problems." There was a lot of mistrust, Carlos is 42 years old and I do not think he's changing anymore, but this time the relationship has not been ended because of infidelity. What I do from now on, I'm mad, "he said.

He added that the divorce "was progressing since March and that the resolution is already in force.Only the document must be legalized in the RENIEC."

his joy because his former partner maintains a good relationship with Danuska Zapata , his previous commitment. "It's a good thing you can get along better, your daughter Gaela is a superlinda, I love her a lot and she will miss me a lot," she said.

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