Cecilia Bracamonte: "It's the worst congress in history"


When he released the album Con alma de bolero Cecilia Bracamonte said that he was reviewing his more than five decades on the scene he saw a career with ups and downs and "with his bandages". But with four recorded discs, concerts, television jury experience and the prey of another controversy, he made it clear that he could not complain. "There were ups and downs like diseases.Cancer instead of lengthening me gave the claw."

These days, he met the press for his next gig, one more year "sing in Fiestas Patrias", as he laughed when he recalled the "advice" that Pedro Suárez Vértiz gave to a participant of reality so that he did not just make Creole music. "His comment was regrettable, and we all can say nonsense.One time, an owner told me: Peruvian music does not sell."

For With l & # 39; soul of bolero he even called the pianist of Barbra Streisand. Quietly, she maintains, she could also have been a jazz artist or other genre. "I grew up with Creole music, my penchant could not be other.The radios had their theaters with their seats and there we sang, and here we are."

He hopes to make an album with the unpublished songs of Augusto Polo Campos, with whom he reconciled years ago and maintained a friendly relationship until his death. "I have it waiting, I still think it's worth" the show. "It was like an" explosion ", everyone paid tributes, so it's better to calm that for to do something like this must be.

For now, he recorded "El grito", for the album prepared by the composer's family and remembers having "cried" Hearing "Contigo Perú" at the World Cup in Russia "The only thing I thought was Augusto, because her emotion was very great."

The singer took advantage of her meeting with the press to invite people to "detox" the situation, but said he must protest. "If I had not had a presentation, I would have gone against corruption. This is the worst congress in history. A congress can not have the majority of a party, we are "fried", it's always going to be handled at will. These politicians are of another kind. They only go for money. "

However, he says that he has never seen politics as an option." Not dead! I prefer to eat my nails.

Jury of Reality

Accustomed as a jury of reality – like TV critics – wants to discover the talents. Last year he went into the format "The Big Show" and, at the time, said that television did not hurt his career. When that started, he recalled other participations, like when he was sitting in the red chair of Beto Ortiz. "The value of the truth did not hurt me badly, the television made me happy, I'm not hiding anything, I'm not going to lie, I'm not ashamed of anything, I am reinventing myself all the time.

But what are you really looking for? A complete artist, he points out. " must also be intelligent. They have to interact with the public, do not send people to take their suit in the corner, "he says with a smile, perhaps in a nod to Eva's incident. Ayllón (2011). "I'm opening with them, they are my confessional.If I do a fuck should not look smooth, but protest."

For her, Michelle Soifer's media could be this "artist complete "he's leaving the show. "I do not see her as a star, no, but like Raffaella Carrá, you have to take your luggage and go to Buenos Aires or Las Vegas.He's a woman.Moreover, it's beautiful and simple, c & rsquo; Is close, I would like you to hear me. "

The singer feels comfortable in the program because for her – despite the critics – Gisela Valcárcel is the one who "Knows the most" television. "For the moment, there is no competition," says Cecilia, although on the other side is Eva Ayllón with "The Four Finalists".

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