Changing the oil in a Bugatti Veyron is a real headache


Image: Royalty Exotic Cars YouTube

It is said that the annual service of the Bugatti Veyron costs about $ 20,000, so you can assume that working on this car is a difficult task. Your hypothesis is correct. Just look at what the team at the Las Vegas-based car rental company, Royalty Exotics, has to go through just to get access to fluids and air filters.

Houston Crosta, owner of the company and his 37 exotic rental cars (among other vehicles), he joined his team of technicians to take a look at the hydraulic leaks coming from the company. rear wing of his Veyron. Accessing this room with leaks requires removing the engine cover and, as you can see in the video below, it was a huge job:

After removing tons of screws, some just behind the rear window filling the fuel, the equipment removed the panel, which was necessary to access the place where the hydraulic fluid is filled (with the fluid transmission circuit) and also the l 39; one of the refrigerant bottles that the team wanted to inspect. 19659003] While working on the car, Houston and his team decided to make a change of oil, forcing them to remove sixteen drain plugs. Sixteen! The good thing is that the process of replacing the oil filter seemed pretty standard. Unscrew it, remove the filter, put on a new one with a new O-ring, and you're done.

One of the technicians, Jesse, told me on the phone that replacing the oil did not necessarily require removing the cover. of the engine, although he said that an official Bugatti technician would go through this arduous process just to inspect the engine.

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