Chile calls for agreement between Minera Escondida and workers | Trade | Economy | Peru


The Government of Chile called the workers and the Minera Escondida engaged in a conflict that could lead to a strike in the largest mine copper to dialogue and reach an agreement in the collective bargaining process.

An agreement must be reached for the Chilean economy Finance Minister Felipe Larraín told local media. 19659003] "We hope as always in these processes that an agreement is reached, that the parties, through dialogue, negotiation and conversation, reach an agreement in the interest of themselves. but also in the interest of the country ". Larraín

added that it is "a negotiation that will take some time", and insisted that the bodies should be open to reach an agreement between the workers and society


A strike at the Australian-controlled mining company BHP Billiton emerged on the eve, when the union, of 2,500 workers, dismissed as insufficient the latest offer from the company, which excludes a wage increase and involves bonds and a loan for a total of 15.5 million pesos per worker (about US $ 23,900)

It also includes improvements benefits already existing and requires a union response by July 17 at the latest and that the new collective agreement be signed this month

The union, meanwhile, request a deposit equivalent to 4% dividends paid in 2017 by Escondida to its shareholders, about 25.9 million pesos (about US $ 39,850) per worker and a salary increase

The company and the union have a legal term until July 24 for enter into an agreement and avoid a strike such as that which took place in the first quarter of 2017, which lasted 44 days and which was lifted without agreement, for the decision of the Dicato will extend the previous collective agreement for 18 months

Carlos Allendes , spokeswoman for the union, said Saturday that the company would not listen to the workers and that she intended to impose a misleading proposal and with "a gun to the head", in reference to the requirement of a response in a short period of time.

He also reiterated, in statements to Radio Cooperativa, that the proposal for a premium of 15.5 million pesos per worker is not such, "because it disguises"

"In reality, the proposal for the futures trading premium is 4.5 million pesos (about US $ 6,900) and the rest is only the intention to buy the advantages we already have, and therefore the bulk at 15.5 million ", he explained.

According to Carlos Allendes, this breaks the legal norms and" we would work overtime, we can not "Accept," while claiming that the link requested by the union "is nothing at all", compared to the dividends received by the

"What bothers a lot is that, unfortunately , Minera Escondida no longer takes our request and, on the contrary, makes another attempt to withdraw our benefits. the floor of all we have, it is more important and more important than a final bonus. "

" We have to sit down and build a mutually beneficial deal, if we do not want the world either. that the Labor Code says and demands annual profits of 30%, and this will not be achieved, "he concluded.

Source: EFE / Reuters

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