Chile: Prosecutor's Office names 158 Church members involved in abuses


The Chilean prosecutor's office indicated 158 names of people related to the Church of the country who have been involved in more than 200 cases of sexual abuse since 2000 including 178 minors, an investigation which led to The situation became "so obscure" for the local Catholic Church that Pope Francis decided to send his envoy to Chile in February, Archbishop Charles Scicluna, who later returned. in Italy with a report of 2300 pages under his arm, a study that the Office of the Prosecutor intends to probe if the pontiff agrees to send this information.

On Monday, the body reiterated that it will ask for more reports at the Vatican, this time referring to the canonical process of eight people investigated for various sexual abuses against children or teenagers registered in Valparaíso, The Araucanía and in the Santiago Metropolitan Area

The Episcopal Conference of Chile convenes an extraordinary assembly

Faced with this gloomy panorama, the Chilean Bishops' Conference declared that it would convene a special assembly the next week to discuss the issue. situation in the Church

" The Episcopal Conference has drawn up a whole itinerary to be able to define concrete proposals and tracks that have to do with this pending wound that Pope Francis has clearly expressed in his letter to The spokesman of the Episcopal Conference, Deacon Jaime Coiro, said Monday

that the Public Prosecutor's Office announced today that he was investigating 158 people related to the l 39; Catholic Church in the framework of 144 people, sexual abuse or other cases against 266 victims in Chile

"Other regions do not exclude taking measures once other investigative measures have been finalized. As, "explained Luis Torres, director of the Division specializing in human rights, sexual offenses and gender violence.

Torres said that the first requirements will be issued by an official letter sent by the Prosecutor to the Ministry of Human Rights. Foreign Affairs of Chile.In turn, he will send them through the diplomatic channel to the Vatican.

"It should be noted that coordination has been established with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nunciature to ensure, in the as far as possible, an effective and favorable result. "In order to ensure an adequate response to any complaints that may exist, regardless of the region of the country where the person would have been a victim of violence, the National Prosecutor's Office will send a protocol of action addressed to prosecutors" for the investigation of sexual crimes committed by members of the Catholic Church. "

June 18 The Chilean prosecutor's office had already confirmed the preparation of a warrant addressed to the Vatican to obtain the report prepared by Archbishop Scicluna, sent by Pope Francis to Chile, on cases of sexual abuse committed by members of the Catholic Church in the south of the country.

Scicluna, who twice visited Chile with the Spanish Jesuit Jordi Bertomeu, an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, collected the testimonies of 64 alleged victims and gave the Pope a report of 2300 pages.

a press conference, before returning to Vati Archbishop Scicluna was questioned about a possible collaboration of this type with the civil justice, to which he replied that the information collected does not belong to him, but to Pope Francis. [19659002] Up to now, the pontiff has accepted the resignation of five bishops, some of them accused of concealing abuses, while new denunciations have emerged, such as those targeting Marianistas religious and a former Chancellor of the Archbishopric of Santiago, Oscar Muñoz, who is in pre-trial detention

The Southern Church, which from 1970 to 1990 committed to the sufferings and hopes of the Chilean people, especially under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, he is currently mired in one of the most serious crises in his history since the arrival of Spanish colonization.

For analysts, this whole problem has been further aggravated by a concealing behavior on the part of the Hierarchy of Growing Abuses. Sexual pedophiles committed by clergymen

Following the latest accusations, priests and church officials accused of sexual abuse could reach nearly half a thousand, mainly when they start to receive complaints from victims in extreme regions of Chile. a country more than 4,000 kilometers long. EFE

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