Chile will be hit last because its main export is at the end of the supply chain


The trade war is in one of its strengths. Its main protagonists, China and the United States, share the composition – along with 19 other economies – of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. Alan Bollard, Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, said the agency was aware that he was beginning to see an accumulation of trade frictions, but that she was still thinking that & ## It could lead to negotiations.

However, Bollard – who is passing through Chile – pointed out that the imposition of duties no longer affects just one country as was the case before, but all because of the supply chain. In this sense, he claimed that Chile would export raw materials will be one of the last affected.

-They worry in APEC of the direction taken by the protectionist escalation

"Initially we think that they will be mainly threats, now we see" [19659005] "What could happen if what we see spreads to other countries?"

"I think that commercials from other countries do not have the same effect. have not been this far, but "

– While China and the United States are members of APEC, what challenges will other countries have?

" Initially, this affects China and the United States and affects Of course, consumers and businesses in both countries are more complex than the simple fact that many Chinese exports to the United States come from US companies in China.It is complicated It's not like the big commercial frictions of 1980 with Japan., n, because we do not have their chains of ap complicated provisioning.

"What other economies could be affected?

"When you look at other economies, they are not affected initially, but indirectly they will be affected. The most affected are Mexico, which is in the major supply chains with the United States. and South Korea, which is also involved in many economies of East Asia. But then you have economies like Chile, which are mostly minerals or primary products and they are at the beginning of the supply chain, so they will probably be affected in the end, but even so, they will be affected because that trade is slowing down, growth is slowing down, business is slowing down and confidence is decreasing. "

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