China is already working on artificial intelligence


By Xinhua

The rise of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry in China has created a growing demand for talent. To build a strong pool of AI talent, China promotes AI education in universities through program improvement and the promotion of interdisciplinary research. Tsinghua University set up Thursday its Institute of Artificial Intelligence as part of its efforts to boost research and education in artificial intelligence. In order to become an AI research institution with global influence, the institute will focus on the fundamental theory of AI and will actively promote transdisciplinary research in AI as well as the I & # 39; integration between academia and industry.


In April, the Ministry of Education issued a plan of action to promote education at the AI in universities. According to the plan, Chinese universities will improve the discipline of AI and make major breakthroughs in the fundamental theory and key technologies by 2020. Chinese universities will become essential forces to build important Innovative AI centers in the world by 2030.

Following the plan, many Chinese universities have aimed to improve AI education and to cultivate more talent in AI.

Many prestigious universities, including the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University, Nankai University, Nanjing University and the University of Nanjing. University of Jilin have established new departments of artificial intelligence.

Zhou Zhihua, director of the AI ​​Department of Nanjing University, said that it was necessary to introduce a new program. AI, since AI courses are very general, students can only gain a deep understanding of AI or its ability to

Nanjing University has established two new bachelor's degrees, in machine learning and data mining and in intelligent systems and applications, and plans to enroll between 60 and 100 students in 2018.


Universities are not just Talent basics for the AI ​​industry, but also an important source of innovation in AI. Experts believe that universities should focus on strengthening basic research on AI and the development of advanced AI technology.

Lei Chaozi, director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education, said that universities should major advances in basic research and fundamental technologies, including learning-based on large data, human-machine intelligence systems and swarm intelligence

In a laboratory of Zhejiang University Then the arrows are marked on the ground. The machine in the heads of mice can recognize arrows and stimulate your brain with a current. The rat will walk to the left or right according to this "order".

According to researcher Pan Gang, they are experimenting with the brain-machine interface (or cyborg intelligence), which combines biological sensor systems with the power of computer-to-machine to create a form of intelligence. more powerful intelligence.

Studies on the convergence of biological intelligence and artificial intelligence are important for the future development of artificial intelligence

In AI, it is requested to integrate AI for mathematics, statistics, physics, biology, psychology and sociology, among other disciplines. It promotes an interdisciplinary "IA + X" approach in universities and seeks to establish 100 specialties that combine AI and other topics by 2020.

The key is how to use AI in multiple disciplines , said Weng Kai, professor at the IA Research Institute of Zhejiang University

"We hope that AI technologies are accessible to all students so that" they can combine AI as a tool of their own research, which could lead to new possibilities. " 19659005] In addition to these interdisciplinary approaches adopted in the university, universities are increasingly tending to strengthen their links with the AI ​​industry.

The Nanjing University cooperated with the e-commerce giant from an IA training base for students. Students will do hands-on learning for artificial intelligence applications under the guidance of top-level instructors.

Zhou Bowen, vice president of research platform and AI at, says his company has a wealth of data on electronic commerce. and finance.

"The cooperation will help support our activities and promote the integration of education and industry in AI," said Zhou. [ad_2]
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