China-US trade war igniting alarms in the government


For the eighth consecutive day the price of copper fell back to 2 dollars with 71 cents per pound .

The problem ignites the alarms and that is why all the ministers of the economic space participated in a meeting to analyze what will be the impacts in Chile of the trade war between the United States and the United States. United and China

The Minister of Finance, Felipe Larraín that the fall of the copper worries them and they hope that "this last autumn is a more transitory effect". On the impacts of the trade war in our country, he said that "more than being alarmed, it is a call for tranquility because we are busy on the subject." There are two scenarios: a favorable scenario, but we have to prepare ourselves for alternative scenarios that are not so good. "


It seems to be a different scenario than the one the Treasury predicted last week's projection of Chile's GDP from 3.5 to 3.8% just like estimates of the average value of the pound of copper which went from 2 dollars with 88 cents to 3 dollars with 12 for 2018

Cochilco's projections may fall as well as those of the Treasury, but for the ministers, it is not a threat, the trade war would also open opportunities, but without offsetting the risks. [19659004] OPPORTUNITIES

In this scenario, the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker explained that we could have advantages in China with apple exports although not everyone agrees with this assessment. First, because Chile exports only about 12,000 tonnes to the Asian market and, secondly, because the United States will seek new markets to transport these apples.

This Friday, there will be two new instances to monitor the effects of this trade war. The Direcon will receive representatives of the private sector, and in the La Moneda Palace will be the beginning of the Committee of Ministers of Economic Development.

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