Chinese horoscope 2019: The year of the "pig of the earth" will bring peace and love | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 4 | Horoscope


The Chinese horoscope notes that the 2019 It will be the year of & # 39; Land Pig & # 39; and according to astrologers, the love and generosity will be in the air. A predisposition will be imposed to sacrifice the personal interest for the benefit of the closest. However, you have to be careful because the tendency to waste money will be constant.

"Pigs or boars are considered to be the most generous and most honest of all animals in the Chinese horoscope. He is often too credulous and can easily be fooled. Hate lies and injustice, it's idealistic, "said Chinese astrologer John Choy.


This year, which will begin on February 5th, there will be a greater joie de vivre and pleasure will be on the agenda as a general climate. It will be a good time to plan and develop strategies. But it will be good to give the impetus to give place to the organization.

The & # 39; Year of the pig & # 39; This will affect all the signs of the Chinese horoscope, however, those born in this year will be more prone to these predictions. The colors of luck are red and white.

EN 2019

LOVE. Romantic relationships can be as passionate as ephemeral. These will be less agonizing moments, with nostalgia for the past and lost.

Money We will have to moderate spending and limit waste and unnecessary consumption. Do not borrow and keep the accounts in order.

HEALTH You must take care of your weight. It's a good year to change your lifestyle.


All those born in: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019

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