Christian Domínguez reaffirmed his friendship with Michelle Soifer


The singer argues that his discussion with the & # 39; challenger & # 39; in the competition, has nothing to do with his friendship outside of 'Esto es Guerra & # 39;

Christian Domínguez was interviewed by Nicola Porcella's team because of his conciliatory attitude with Michelle Soifer. And that is last week, the singer played in an intense fight with the popular "Michi" for one of the competitions.

At the recent broadcast of "Esto es Guerra", Christian congratulated Michelle for his performance in "The Artist of the Year". # 39; year & # 39; where she came in second place. In an interview with América Espectáculos, Dominguez assures that his friendship with the "challenger" is still intact

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"This is a theme in the program.I voted for Michelle to reach the final.After the program, we are all friends and we respect each other very much, " Christian .

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