Cienciano celebrated its 117th anniversary


Cusco. Cienciano celebrated 117 years of institutional life on Sunday, July 8 with a 4-1 win over Los Caimanes for the fourteenth round of the second division tournament. "Daddy" claimed the fans after the defeat against Coopsol.

The imperial chart opened the scorecard just 18 minutes into the first half. A ground-level center that ran Junior Ross allowed the Cusqueño Ramón Rodríguez to send the ball to the goal of the rival team. The popular "Mouse Rodriguez" was also the architect of the second goal.

In the second half, Cienciano became strong by the extremes and dominos of the match. The goals were scored by Fredy Salcedo in the 12th minute, after a violent left foot shot, and Walter Ibáñez in the 42nd minute.

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