Claudio Pizarro: Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Kicker" criticized his signature for Werder Bremen | Trade | Total Sport | Peruvians in the world


Not everyone is happy with the arrival of Claudio Pizarro to Werder Bremen . The editor of the sports newspaper "Kicker" Thiemo Müller, seriously questions the signing of the "Bombardier of the Andes", which is approaching 40 years and has just lost the category with the Colony.

The editor-in-chief of one of the most widely read tabloids in Germany, does not understand the reason why Werder Bremen brought for the fifth time to Claudio Pizarro ] who had in the last two years

"If it was on April 1 [día de los tontos] the announcement would not have surprised: Claudio Pizarro returns to ] Werder Bremen .Not a member of the Technical Command, the attacker, aged 40, is subject to injury and has played only once in 90 minutes, and his 15 other appearances, he was part-time and scored only one goal, "says Thiemo Müller. Werder Bremen confirmed the presence of Claudio Piza in the friendly match against VVV-Venlo of Holanda. The Peruvian lives his fifth story with the "title =" green and white. The technical team of Werder Bremen confirmed the presence of Claudio Pizarro in the friendly match against VVV-Venlo of Holland. The Peruvian lives his fifth story with the green and white display "style =": inline; "/>

The technical team of Werder Bremen confirmed the presence of Claudio Pizarro in the friendly match against VVV-Venlo of the Netherlands – his fifth story with the green and white (Video: BILD) [19659004] If there is one thing that is clear to him, is that Werder Bremen still thinks of resorting to his experience of pointing, but that should always shine when Claudio Pizarro is free of injury.

"The veteran striker, when he is fit, can be a decisive piece on the other strikers. This means that the pirate Pizarro is still the only gunner they trust if nothing works. I do not doubt, but the question is how long they will continue with this motto, "he argued.

Although Thiemo Müller does not clearly understand why the Werder Bremen hides the leader as Claudio Pizarro if in the template there are several athletes who filled this role with full responsibility.

"Is there any other guide that Kruse, Moisander, Bargfrede, Harnik, Langkamp, ​​Drobny and Maxi? Eggesteins? At some point, the hierarchy can suffer from too many bosses. Today, the surprise coup d'etat will remain an ambiguous decision, "he said.

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