Clavito and Su Chela: Andrea Fonseca defends Robert Muñoz as a user who called him a monster | Instagram | cumbia | Shows


He joined the trend in the social network. Many personalities from the local show were encouraged to interact with their followers through the "questions and answers" that enabled the Instagram social network.

Andrea Fonseca couple Robert Muñoz leader of "Clavito and his chela", he undergoes an interrogation of his users in the social network Instagram . She was commented on the appearance of the singer and did not hesitate to answer

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She has two questions that read: "How can a beautiful woman like you be with this Clavito monster?" and "so beautiful and with him, I hope not to hurt you" Greetings

The couple of "Clavito and his chela" took a few minutes to answer questions and comments from users of the social network Instagram .This is what he said

"What a bad thing, when there is the love of good, the rest does not matter", to this answer he added this: "never present symptoms of d & # 39; abuse, not before, not now. I would not hesitate to go there, I am against abuse. "

Recall that Andrea Fonseca and Robert Muñoz experienced a public scandal when the singer was accused of being the aggressor of his partner.But both denied that has passed, some fans have not considered their versions as true.

Currently, Andrea is pregnant with the singer and shares postcards of her pregnancy in her official account Instagram .

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