Co-pilot activates electronic cigarette and almost causes the death of all air passengers | China | accident | Hong Kong | World


They denounce the bad game of the professional. What appeared to be an ordinary flight, has become a nightmare for passengers on a plane that travels from Hong Kong to Dalian.

The co-pilot of the commercial flight of Air China was responsible for endangering all travelers and also the crew who were doing their job in the cabin of the aircraft .

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On the case it is known that the co-pilot, who would have an addiction to cigarettes used to turn off the air conditioning in order to avoid smoking. activate an electronic cigar. This was done so that the smoke does not disturb the passengers.

When the disconnection of the air conditioning could cause an airplane crash in a few minutes. The reason? In the absence of adequate airflow, oxygen levels decrease, so that the aircraft loses pressure.

They show that, due to the spread of smoke from the electronic cigarette the ventilation system collapsed and the pilot had to make an immediate descent of 6500 meters.

Crew members of the China commercial flight asked passengers to calm down and adjust the seat belts. Until now, it is known that people who were in the plane did not suffer any complication of their health.

The co-pilot of Air China whose name is unknown, has not received any sanction or has been separated from the company's crew.



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