Commercial War: Three keys to understanding the conflict between the United States and China that worries the world | Economy


The coming into force of the new tariff regimes between United States and China caused global uncertainty because of the impact that the trade war between both countries could have short term. last Friday

But what exactly happens between the two largest economic powers to generate what is already called the "most important tariff dispute" in the world? We explain it to you:

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What Is A Trade War?

The agency of the BBC notes that a commercial war begins when a country, in this case the United States, tries to harm the economy of another (China) by increasing rates – or customs duties – on imports of certain products from that country.


With the promise in the campaign, the president of United States Donald Trump, complies with some quick rules to reduce the trade deficit and protect the investments of his country , one of its exits being 25% tariff increase for Chinese products, mainly in the technological and industrial sector.

For its part, China responded with similar immediate tariff measures for US products valued at US $ 34 million, not only for technological products but also agroindustrial . A quick counter-attack

Products concerned

According to the CNN agency, there would be about 1.3 thousand products, between the two countries, those affected by it. rate increase.

Meat, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, fish and shellfish, tobacco, pet food, and beverages and vehicles of American origin will be affected by the new tariff imposed by ]

In the case of products from Asian countries wishing to enter in the United States the persons covered by the 25% tariff will be: cars, helicopters, planes, space technology, Industrial Machinery

For its part, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has indicated that there are effects of fear on the markets, such as the uncertainty and magnitude of the conflict.

n developed with agencies (BBC World and Spanish CNN)

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