Companies: These are the steps to issue electronic invoices of the Sunat | Economy


Since August 1, the companies of hotel sectors and restaurants will have to issue electronic invoices according to the latest provision of the Sunat. Otherwise, the fines could reach S / 3600 or the closure of the company for 10 days.

In this context, we share the steps to follow, in case you are one of the companies that must issue the good. digital :

YOU CAN SEE Hotels and Restaurants Will Issue Electronic Invoices From August 1, Announces Sunat

Premiere: You Must Have Key SOL [19659005]] of society, if you still do not have it, you have to go to the Sunat office to ask for it. Once you have it, go to Sunat's online operations website (, and click on the option for slips Payment / Electronic Billing Portal.

Secondly: When entering, look for the option: Issue the bill place the customer's RUC and fill out the queries that are made, also indicate in which currency the payment will be carried out

Third: Next, the concept of the invoice must be detailed, for this, the option "add" to it. is clicked, and it will be specified whether it is a good or a service (eg hotels and restaurants, for example)

Fourth: Finally, a preliminary bill will be obtained and if all the detailed information is correct, you will receive a click to emit. The voucher will be sent to your e-mail account and sent to the customer

Electronic Service Providers

Remember that if you are a taxpayer and must send electronically, you can contract with the electronic service providers, which will provide services for the development of payment vouchers in digital format (XML file).

Currently, SUNAT has registered 83 vendors that are part of the country's electronic billing system, thus allowing the taxpayer to have different alternatives of choice.


It is expected that by the end of the year more than 250 thousand taxpayers will be incorporated into the various systems of the United States. electronic issuance, which will be carried out about 80% of the total sales that are made throughout the country.

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