Copacabana opens the airport to promote tourism | BOLIVIA


President Evo Morales yesterday delivered the airport Tito Yupanqui, located in the municipality of Copacabana, in the Manco Kapac province of La Paz, a job that required an investment of 45.3 million Bs and was built to promote tourism.

This new terminal, which will improve the tourist flow in this region, has a runway 2.1 kilometers long and 23 meters wide, a control zone, a passenger terminal with pre-boarding and a VIP room, in addition to the bathrooms. "We are promoting tourism and that's why we are building several airports," he said at a public event attended by local authorities and Peruvian guests

Morales pointed out the importance of promoting tourism with this type of work. According to official information, the travel time between the city of El Alto and the tourist terminal will be 20 minutes and probably three air operations per week will be scheduled.

Other Work
The Chief of the Executive engaged in the construction of a market and a hospital in this municipality and requested support for the construction of the building. a bridge in the Strait of Tiquina, project postponed due to rejection of other areas. ] He asked residents for help to secure the bridge, which was rejected by the local rafters in 2013. "I am convinced that the bridge is so important, but also I want to tell you that they will be former leaders, ex-authorities, but that Copacabana did not accompany us (at the time), I wanted you to defend us to guarantee the construction, "said Morales at the ceremony of 39, opening of the airport .It was possible to wait for those who did not agree to accept it and it was necessary to allocate resources, the 380 million dollars, for other projects.He referred to the issue after listening to the crowd at the claiming place on the bridge.

In May 2013, residents of San Pedro and San Pablo blocked in protest against the cancellation of resolution 1797 declaring the natural chain, geographical, archaeological, cultural heritage, all Risen, landscaped and sporty and prevented the construction of a bridge.

He said that there was a study for the bridge and that if some people were protesting in Tiquina, when the construction assessments would begin, "they should accompany us to secure the study."

"We guarantee financing, not all we are going to go through a raft, it's risky, there are promotions that have sunk, buses that have sunk, until when are we going to cross the straits in rafts? ", Questioned it.

On criticism

The Minister of Public Works, Milton Claros, reported that the work was built in one year and half by a Bolivian company, depending on this portfolio, and also answered the questions that were generated. "Many have criticized us that projects, in many cases, are useless. This airport has a tourist destination, "said Minister Claros after the intervention of the Mayor of Copacabana, who said that one of the uses would be the transfer of injured persons.

Up to Currently, the Morales government has invested only $ 208 million in airport construction and an additional 8.5 million euros are invested in pre-investment designs and studies for future flight terminals, said the authority

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