Copper prices, autumn, trade war | Economy


After a series of eight consecutive weeks recording falls and affecting minimum levels, the price of copper began a process of slow recovery.

In fact, at closing at the close of operations in London Metal Exchange the pound showed an increase of 1.52% which means an increase of $ 275.4.

YOU CAN SEE They warn that the trade war could subtract 0.5 points from world GDP

Copper was not the only metal recovered. The El zinc increased by 2.8%, while the lead aluminum and the lead reached 0.6% and 0.4%, [19659002HoweverinChilethepriceofcopperfell15%thisweekfromthepreviousoneafterclosingat$2754perpoundTheChileanCopperCommission(Cochilco)attributedthissituationtotheeffectsofthetradewar

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