Copper progresses moderately and ends at US $ 2,837 per pound in BML



A slight lead, the fifth in a row, saw copper on Thursday. Ore is valued at 0.05% to US $ 2,837 per pound on the London Metal Exchange (BML). The copper market was one of those who experienced a significant recovery after scoring eight consecutive declines at lows of US $ 2.71 per pound.

Merchandise rebounded in the midst of a loosening of trade tensions, particularly between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). The agreement reached yesterday between Washington and the EU bloc commissioner to advance towards the elimination of barriers in bilateral trade came unzip the pressure of the dollar. The weakness of the currency, in short, provided additional support for the rising price of copper. The favorable race for red metal is occurring as market agents wait for the response of the Minera Escondida Workers' Union to the latest offer of the company in the collective bargaining process.

For the time being, the average value of inputs up to this month is $ 2.83 per pound while the average for the year is 3 US $ 097 per pound, an increase of 18.3% Stocks on the London market ended today with a drop of 0.2% to 251 950 metric tons

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