Copper records a new psychological threshold of US $ 3 per pound


  Copper 2

The price of copper recorded a further decline of 0.2% on Tuesday, reaching US $ 2986 per pound. The input drilled the resistance threshold of US $ 3 per pound prolonging the decline of 0.8% to US $ 2,991 per pound the day before [19659003] The metal exhibits a systematic decline in its price during recent weeks due to signs of concern in China. Speculation about the extent of trade tension between Beijing and Washington has been felt in the commodities market. The Chinese yuan fell in the early hours of the session, as did the main stock indexes of the country, which led to a verbal intervention of his authority. The call for investor calm reversed the initial decline, but concern over the effects that a new tariff regime for imports in the United States would have on the Asian giant's economy continues to affect the raw materials.

Chile's main export product, with an average value of US $ 3,136 per pound this year, increased by 20.3%. Meanwhile, stocks on the London Metal Exchange (BML) fell 1.6% to 203,192 metric tonnes today


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