Cranston Fire: A man accused of setting off a fire in California


Brandon N. McGlover, 32, of Temecula, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with five counts of arson in Riverside County County, and Cal Fire said

that Authorities said McGlover Mercredi, including the Cranston fire.

About 500 firefighters attack the Cranston fire, which is 4,700 acres and confined to 0%, said officials of the San Bernardino National Forest

. flames. Other houses seemed to be covered with red flame retardant.

Idyllwild Town, Mountain Center Community and Apple Canyon, Hurkey Creek and Lake Hemet Areas are under Evacuation Order . Evacuation orders are no longer in effect for Fern Valley and Pine Cove.

A video released by Twitter's user, Captain Woody, shows large amounts of smoke from the San Jacinto Mountains while an airplane delays the fire.

"From Pine Cove, racing," he writes.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued a Smoke Advisory

The fire is located about 15 miles southwest of Palm Springs and 35 kilometers away. miles southeast of Riverside.

The area around Idyllwild was the site of a huge forest fire in July 2013 that burned over 27,000 acres.

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