Crisis in the judicial system represents "an opportunity for great solutions"


"This July 28 we will give a clear message of firmness, fight against corruption and improvement of the institutionality", announced Tuesday the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra in an exclusive interview with RPP Noticias of Mexico

The head of state indicated that the scandal caused by the broadcast of audios involving members of the National Council of the Magistracy ()] CNM ), Judicial Branch as well as businessmen and members of Congress, compels the country "to make clear proposals to get out of this situation that we all reject. "

Martín Vizcarra The XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, also stressed that major crises, such as those facing the country, are "a option and an opportunity for great solutions ". [19659002] Asked about the statements of the new Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Vicente Zeballos, who believes that the humanitarian grace granted to Alberto Fujimori should be canceled, the President replied: "We respect the process There was a pardon that the previous president gave him (Pedro Pablo Kuczynski) and this was elevated to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and he had a sentence that we will strictly enforce. "

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