Cristiano Ronaldo: Uruguayan world player eager to play alongside Portuguese at Juventus | Video |


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He faced her in Russia in 2018 and now they will be his teammates. The young Uruguayan footballer, Rodrigo Bentancur experienced something unusual in the World Cup after the match against Portugal in the round of 16.

party against the Lusitano, Rodrigo Bentancur had to go to doping control with Cristiano Ronaldo and was surprised by the reaction of the new reinforcement of the Juventus of Turin.

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"At the World Cup, j & # I had to do doping with Cristiano .He told me my name, I looked at him and told him: "How do you know my name?", Said the "charrúa"

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"We were talking for a moment, each player has his personality, but out of court for what I thought there is a great person ", Bentancur .


Rodrigo Bentancur ] sum 27 matches played with the Juventus of Turin .

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