Croatian national team: the Croatian government invited the photographer who was crushed by Croatian players in the semifinals of the 2018 Russia World Cup | Sports


Among the most curious events of the 2018 Russia World Cup, one that was recorded in the semi-final between Croatia and England was distinguished. In full celebration of the Croatians for the goal scored shortly after the end of the additional time, the players accidentally crushed one of the photographers who was near the field. This is why the Croatian government decided to reward him.

Yuri Cortez photographer of the agency AFP in Mexico, was invited by the Balkan government to visit the country with all his family, as confirmed by the protagonist of the scene. "I first received an email where they were trying to confirm my personal information and then they told me that the director of tourism would call me in. Soon after I get the call and he invites me to come to Croatia with my family ".

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"End of August or early September will be the visit of the place", confirmed Yuri Cortez who will visit Croatia after receiving the invitation. He also showed his desire to know the culture, gastronomy and natural beauties of the European country. All this, he said during an interview on the radio Chain 3.

The famous photojournalist commented that part of the invitation made him understand a curious message: "Do not forget to take your camera, Yuri," said the photographer during the interview, adding that the contact had made Kristjan Stanicic, director of the # 39; Tourist Office, which will take care of the vacation costs

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