Crusa and Procomer Will Help SMEs Produce Green Products


The Costa Rica Foundation of the United States (Crusa) and the Foreign Trade Promoter (Procomer) will launch the first competitive call on August 29, so that small and medium-sized enterprises can produce and market more goods and services. ecological.

During the first stage, a selection of 220 companies interested in transforming their business was carried out through the greening of their design, production and packaging of environmentally friendly products.

In addition, they will strive to improve the environmental sustainability of SMEs, energy efficiency, renewable energy, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the use of water and integrated waste management.

the enterprises will be chosen with the technical backing of the two entities and will be financed up to 80% of the amount necessary for productive conversion; the remaining 20% ​​will be paid by the owners of the company, either with their own resources or with the support of financial allies.

The Crusa Foundation will contribute $ 4 million over five years and Procomer and the Banco Ambiental Foundation will invest their own resources in the areas of promotion, business intelligence, administrative management and communication that will expand the scope of the program. we succeed if at least 50 companies a year succeed in converting and joining the exporting park; We will have as priority food products, ethnic, organic, "superfoods" and green services, aimed at markets such as North America, Europe, Central America and the Caribbean, said Michelle Coffey, executive delegate of Crusa.

The idea is that these companies are perfecting their production and marketing processes in order to obtain a better price in international markets.

"The platform will greatly benefit exporters and position us as an environmental country before the world, allow them to change packaging, supplies, electricity savings and obtain certifications," said Laura López, coordinator strategic alliances of Procomer.

Advantages for SMEs

The enterprises included in this program can improve the following aspects:

-Products of production

-Internationalization with goods and services with higher added value

-Articulation for the Promotion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

-Funding to Reduce Energy Costs, Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Use of the # 39, water and integrated waste management

Source: Crusa and Procom er

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