Cuba and the United States Discuss Progress in National Security Relations


WASHINGTON (UNITED STATES) .- Cuba and the United States held today in Washington the fourth Justice Law Enforcement Dialogue, in which they discussed various advances in the field of According to a statement by the US Department of State representatives of both countries exchanged views on topics such as "fugitives and the return of Cubans who are the subject of a final order of expulsion. "

Another aspect discussed during the meeting was the alleged" health attacks "against US diplomatic staff at the Embassy of Havana," including two recent cases. "

According to the brief, the US government reminded Cuba of its" responsibility "to protect diplomats from" harm. "

Among the advances highlighted by the Washington executive, it revealed improvements in the links between the two parties and cited the case of the prosecution and conviction in the United States of a Cuban who murdered an American citizen.

The note notes that there has also been progress "in other work human trafficking . "

The first official dialogue on justice and law enforcement between the United States and Cuba took place in November 2015, as part of the merger process initiated in 2014 under the leadership of the President of the United States. Then Barack Obama, a gesture that ended half a century of enmity and led to the restoration of relations

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