Cuban deputies in favor of gay marriage


Havana, Cuba – Cuban deputies today favored the insertion in the new constitution of the country of an equal and indiscriminate marriage guarantee, which will allow to same-sex couples or transsexuals to marry and put Cuba as one of the advanced societies that allow such unions in its legal and social order.

The National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), the highest legislative body in the country. the Cuban ordinance, meets from Saturday to discuss the drafting of a new constitution, which will replace the 1976.

The document contains various reforms that were published en masse at the session of the ANPP, which is transmitted in its entirety by the national television.

The new constitution that will govern the country includes the elimination of the concept of "communism" of its language, at the same time as ratifies the socialist model and unipartite, but makes important recognitions of the market economy and opens the doors to gay marriage.

This last provision sparked an intense debate today among MPs, who, although overwhelmingly supportive of the non-discrimination provision on the grounds of sex, raised doubts about its scope, particularly when It is terms such as adoption for paternity purposes.

Article 68 of the draft constitution recognizes marriage as "the voluntary consensual union between two persons lawful for that", implying implies "absolute equality the duties and rights of the spouses, who are obliged to take care of the home and the integral formation of the children. "

Deputy Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of the former president and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC), Raul Castro Ruz, said that in the article the theme of the son and the reproduction involves that marriage has specific purposes that exclude those who do not comply or do not want to conform to it. "" Marriage is not only about having children it starts with other purposes, comes reproduction.What I propose is that all families have the same rights "said Castro Espin, recognized in Cuba as the defender of rights of the homosexual community.

"Love of neighbor is the aspects of this project.With this proposal for constitutional regulation, Cuba is among the vanguard countries, in the recognition and the guarantee of the rights of the This is the result of the Cuban revolutionary process, "added the MP to the ANPP plenary, which sparked a broad debate among the deputies.

Miguel Barnet, an intellectual and writer, intervened in favor of same-sex marriage and this eliminated all forms of discrimination in relation to couples in Cuba.

"We are ushering in a new era.It is a dialectical and modern Constitution.If it is necessary to break the tradition, it is broken, because breaking the tradition is also a revolutionary act.I am in favor of Article 68. Love does not have sex, "he said, position backed by Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, one of the so-called" Five " Hero "of Cuba

" We do not discuss here a couple of the same sex, but on the obligation to maintain the home and the responsibility of the children.I have experienced heterosexual couples who n & # 39; have not had children and have never accused them of violating the constitution. "

" For many years, issues such as the right to vote of women have been discussed and broken with tradition. has been generated today because nobody is a secret that many people are aware of what is being discussed here. is proud of the discussions that took place. People of the same sex who decide to have children are not affected by this fragment of text, "he added, referring to the right of same-sex couples to have children through the mechanism. that they deem relevant.

Yolanda Ferrer, by the Municipality of Pinar del Río, said that marriage is a social and legal institution, and is one of the ways to organize the family

"In the capacity of two persons to live together in marriage, he must not always have offspring, but a shared responsibility of the law, and the law must determine the form that is constituted", said the parliamentarian

"There is no reason to refuse marriage to homosexuals, there is no reason to limit the happiness of these people. How many people do we know who are homosexuals or bisexuals, and who are decent people who are with us every day and who often live together, but who denied them the right to become a family? ", He said

. Allow these centuries of delay to mark our actions … We must face prejudices and we have an inclusive justice, so we must support and defend this proposal. "

MP Marcia Cristobalina Chicoi, a member of the commission appointed to write the new constitution, defended the proposal of equal marriage by stating that" you can not divorce marriage with your social responsibility. The fact that there is an openness to the other type of marriage is a step forward in Cuban society that meets a sector of the population. "

The intention of Castro Espin was to include the right of adoption in the new Magna Carta, a proposal that did not find echo in the world. ANPP, since the majority understood that as it is written the proposed article takes for granted, along with other provisions, that homosexual couples can have children through the provisions of the Family Code. [19659003] Teresa Amarelle, MP and expert on the subject, said that "the exclusive marriage between men and women is a breakthrough … On the issue of adoption, it will be a topic of the family code. Is a big step in the recognition of equality and recognized for all. "

He explained that" the responsibility is maintained with sons and daughters.This recognizes heterosexual and homosexual persons who decide to have their children, but it's a family responsibility.We can not disc to eliminate anyone because of their orientation and we can not allow it, in Cuba, there are homosexuals who live under one roof and who behave properly.

After a lengthy debate, deputies drafting the controversial Article 68, which will be presented for discussion in the population and subsequent popular referendum in the coming weeks. From this open discussion process could arise amendments to the article, although its permanence is not under discussion, so we can say that the same-sex marriage will have an accelerated step in the new Cuban constitution.

Today's discussion was about the inclusion of the concept of "freedom of expression" in the new constitution.

Daicar Saladrigas, MP for the Camagüey Municipality, touched on the delicate subject and suggested amending Article 53 of the current Magna Carta, which dates from 1976, to replace the term "freedom of residence". expression "by" freedom of speech ". expression.

Saladrigas pointed out that, likewise, the expression "freedom of the press" should be replaced by "freedom of expression" because it would appear that the right to express opinions would be subscribed to the press of the country.

His proposal was supported by the whole plenary which he said should be written "freedom of expression" to be in accordance with the standards international and with the country's communication policy.

The inclusion of the term, however, it does not affect the control of the Cuban state media nor the regulation of demonstrations against the government.

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