Cyber ​​Wow: Will it affect Cyber ​​Days? | Trade | Economy | Business


The Cyber ​​Days were, until recently, the only event of electronic commerce or e-commerce in Peru. The campaign was organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce ( CCL ) since 2012, and another edition will begin next week. But it is already different because several companies that have already participated in this platform have launched their own space: the Cyber ​​Wow which will end on Wednesday, July 11th.

The first edition of Cyber ​​Wow was organized by IAB Peru and has the participation of 29 companies, including Falabella, Ripley, Sodimac, Wong, and Mercado Libre.

In fact, many of the Cyber ​​Wow brands have stopped participating in the event organized by the CCL.

El Comercio spoke with sources close to both events and with representatives of different companies who confirmed that the new event was born after the Cyber ​​Days gradually lost the major brands and preferred to launch their own digital campaigns.

On the side of the CCL, Jaime Montenegro, director of the union's e-commerce, said that part of the Cyber ​​Days expansion plan was considering adding more SMEs. Thus, several startups, marketplaces, mypes and retailers not very present on the digital joined the last editions of Cyber ​​Days, but lost for big companies.

"We started in 2012 when nobody wanted to buy online, we have consolidated a brand recognized nationally (…) Other initiatives will continue to appear but will not all be maintained in time" he explains. 19659008] ORIGIN OF CYBER WOW

The proposal was conceived from the IAB e-commerce committee in Peru, headed by Gianfranco Polastri.

Considering that it has as partners the biggest brands of the digital industry and that " in Peru there was no event that brings together the main actors ", The Cyber ​​Wow was realized, said Juan Fernando Villena, member of the IAB Peru Electronic Commerce Committee and Head of the Transactional Business Unit of Pago Efectivo .

On this same line, Marcela Urteaga, marketing director of Despegar, commented. com a brand that usually participates in Cyber ​​Days

"The proposal seemed very interesting, because we are joining the biggest icons of the country, something that was not happening in the CCL, so we have considered that we have brands We could give a boost to the event, it was decided according to the volume and brands that participated, "said the executive.

However, many of the major brands that are now part of the Cyber ​​Wow were at the time in the Cyber ​​Days

Mercado Libre was one of them a year ago and a half, also found that "no There was a place where knowledge with more than 10 years on the market are, the idea was to start working with them," says Pamela Flores, general manager of the company

Similarly, sources close to the organization of the two x events confirmed to El Comercio that several participants of the Cyber ​​Days were dissatisfied with the communication strategy that the CCL had made for the event and for which it accused them of a commission. "In each edition there was constant traction and looseness because the tax that the House had imposed on them that was for the advertising guidelines, they considered it was wrong," they explained. .

Asked for this information, the CCL preferred not to comment on this.


Initially, eight companies participated in the e-commerce committee and the other 21 participating companies were called; In the long run, all participants became members of IAB Peru. Villena projects that there is a big space to grow up. "If you compare with events in Mexico or Argentina, event participants can be 300 or 400 brands, we now have 29," he says.

The proposal aims to be representative of the industry, unifying communication towards the customer. "Digital media screens, all are very aligned with the event," says Urteaga

Moreover, unlike Cyber ​​Days (where the CCL was responsible for organizing and setting up a budget), decisions are made by the members of IAB Peru and, in turn, the participants.

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