Daniel Alfaro: In Peru, there is an education deficit of 100,000 million S | Economy


CADE 2018. The gap separating Peruvian education amounts to S / 100 000 million, revealed the Minister of Education, Daniel Alfaro .

Of this amount, at least $ 72,000 million includes schools at risk, which require a total or partial modification of their infrastructure, he added during his presentation at the press conference. CADE Ejecutivos 2018 .

In response, the Minister launches an architecture competition to choose type schools, conditioned by the various lands and climates of the country.

With this, a file typewho controls the costs and deadlines for the construction of these educational centers.

"We have to fill the gaps with local and regional governments, we need to eliminate those schools that start to cost S / 3 million and end at S / 6 million," Alfaro said.

He also highlighted the budget allocated to Peruvian education in 2019, in the amount of S $ 30,600 million; that is 18% of the total.

"This figure is 13% higher than in 2018 and double that of 2012," he said.

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